Blessings and Peace during a very sad time, My name IS of consequence:
I am taken aback a little bit because you are writing my story. Same circumstances, same cool dad. He was fine Friday night at the hospital and we said an affectionate good night. We were discussing a new menu to help him control his 55-year-old bout with brittle diabetes (I was his caregiver).
The next morning, two doctors were waiting for me. Dad had had a cerebral hemorrhage over night. Rather than break up the clot in his leg, the Heparin gave him a brain bleed. He never regained consciousness.
He gave assembly-worthy presentations in his unpretentious, humble way to staff and fellow patients. When up and about before this last hospital stay, he was helping friends, family, and strangers.
I wish everyday he and Mom were still here, despite the rough times we did have as a semi-dysfunctional family of JWs. Your story resonates with all of us.